ICFF 2013, who took place at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center (11th Avenue at 38th Street), in New York City, brought some novelties, unparalleled examples of lighting eccentricities, to the center of the American design minds.
Among them, and following the recommendation of the Unique Blog, we highlight Graypants’ 64″ recycled cardboard lamp, a totally environmental-friend lamp which final effect is just outstanding. Koket also made an outstanding statement with two beautiful wall sconces and a gorgeus chandelier. Also Tom Dixon presents its exceptional novelties: gold metal mesh pendants by Tom Dixon. One of Delightfull‘s bestsellers also said present: Amy table lamp, inspired in Amy Winehouse hair and earrings. And much more…
Check it out why there’s some light that never goes out from ICFF:
Graypants’ 64″ recycled cardboard lamp
Romantic HYPNOTIC chandelier by Koket booth
Gold Metal Mesh Pendants by Tom Dixon
The amazing vintage table lamp inspired in Amy Winehouse’s hair and earrings. In the background, Turner, inspired in Tina Turner’s moves, to see live in booth 1552
Roman and Williams‘ Woodrum Light
The left two silver pendants from Artecnica were some of my favorite.
ICFF 2013 was a lighting party, an unforgetable festival of color and powerful lighting creations.